Praise the Lord! Youth Evangelical Fellowship as assigned a new chapter leader in Germany, Minister Laura Valdix. With this being the first Europe leader and the first G20 country in the continent for YEF, this comes as wonderful news and great hope for Europe mission. The YEF Europe Leader, Pastor Joanna Yeo, has served German mission and growing member Sister Deborah is currently Germany for study and eager to serve God. YEF believes that God has set this country to be the YEF Europe mission hub. Because of this, the YEF staff and members have great hope in what God has planned for this continent.
New appointed leader, Minister Laura, shares her thoughts on the matter, “I want to give gratitude to God for entrusting this precious position of serving the mission in Europe to me. It was my very long desire to spread the message of Christ among the youth in this continent and to sow the seed of the gospel.
When I pray for Europe, I feel great sorrow. I think God has great pain in his heart, seeing how this once so flourishing continent turned away from his truth. I pray through campus mission, the spirit of God could work in the heart of people and remind them of the precious history of the gospel in Europe. It is by grace that multitudes of missionaries have been sent out from here towards all the earth. I feel I am standing on the precious blood of many Christian leaders in history and many early missionaries of our church who sowed the seeds in tears.
I confess that only God could change the spiritual atmosphere, so I pray my mission in YEF could be used as a tool in his hands to bring back the lost sheep and to shine the bright light of Christ into this darkness. May the campuses in Europe praise the name of God once again and experience a great revival.”
Every morning the YEF Europe leader and M. Laura have been meeting in prayer over the country and continent’s revival. Pastor Joanna proclaims that through prayer, God really work in ways never expected. She has such great joy in knowing there’s new hope for the continent and is praying daily for mission passion and an overflowing heart for Germany.
The Bible Teacher internship hosted by YEF HQ, will serve as a perfect step before M. Laura begins German mission. There she and growing member, Deborah, will both learn about YEF’s identity and mission, how the messages are taught, and how to develop a new chapter. Please pray for this new leader and the mission in Europe. Tht God would continue to provide and give abundant strength to the European leaders.