By the grace of God, missionaries Alan and Teodora Channer arrived safely at the Bucharest International Airport on July 15 which opens a new chapter of mission history in Romania.
Romania is expected to play a vital role in advancing missions in East Europe and the Balkans in conjunction with Ukraine, and Moldova mission that has been recently opened. With a population of nearly 20 million, Romania is the most populous country in the Balkan region. Its people are counted among the most religious in Europe and are among those that are more receptive to the Gospel in Europe.
Reflecting on their pioneering of Romania, Pastor Alan shared, “Even though I do not know Eastern Europe deeply, but God’s calling has come to me, so I wish to accept and obey. I feel this is the stretching of God’s tent, and personally, this is also God stretching my tent wider.”
Please pray for the Romania missionaries, in addition to the pioneering of the remaining countries across Europe; as the continent looks ahead toward a new season of mission revival where many lost sheep will be found and raised as fellow co-workers for God’s Kingdom.