Olivet Teen Mission Europe gains great hope of opening G20 countries in the continent, since Europe mission experiences revival. As the Global London College was settled successfully, bringing many international students to the United Kingdom, and more countries are to be opened by missionaries, OTM prays that God may open the way for the ministry to be set up in multiple places.
One of the top goals for the first quarter is to establish all the G20 countries in the region (UK, Germany, Netherlands, France, Italy, Spain). Two ways are pursued in order to make this happen. The first is to raise leaders through intense campus evangelism, the second is to set up leaders among international students, who have the heart to do teen mission.
Setting up representatives in these countries is of great importance regarding G20 network and second generation growth. Teens can experience God more deeply, as regular Bible studies, retreats and prayers are set up, and eventually be raised as student leaders.
Continuously leaders seek for open doors, that the ministry can be set up one day sooner in Europe. Please pray that both ways may be unfastened, to develop the ministry nationwide.