OA Europe Concludes Easter Retreats in Strength and Hope

By the grace of God, Olivet Assembly Europe could hold various Easter gatherings around the continent, opening the heart of many people more widely for the love of God shown on the cross. Through this time Europe members could meditate more deeply on the sacrifice of Jesus and experience the resurrection after the cross. Below are the summaries of the retreats.

United Kingdom

OA UK held their Easter Retreat with over 70 attendees from Friday to Sunday. The schedule included four lectures about the path of Jesus starting from the prayer in Gethsemane in John 18 until the resurrection of Jesus in John 20. Prayer meetings were held every night, pouring down abundant grace on people, through deep meditation of the word. Through fellowship time and outdoor activities, attendees testified the beautiful image of God’s love being revealed through the retreat.


In Germany members from Czech Republic and Berlin Immanuel church gathered to commemorate Easter together. The retreat was hold over the weekend, filled with lectures and activities, like sightseeing the city. Newcomers with children joined as well, bringing a hopeful atmosphere. Attendees hearts were filled grace after the retreat, giving strength to walk on towards the goal.


Ukrainian members came together on Easter Sunday to hold service, dedicated to the message of the cross. A sermon was delivered from Luke 24 about the road to Emmaus. Members could listen on how to recognize the resurrected Jesus and to see beyond the suffering of the cross. A newcomer joined the service as well as families.

Let us pray for Europe to gain new strength through this season and to walk faithful, seeing the resurrection that comes after the cross.