Mission Conference was held in Dover, New York, for North America missionaries, pastors and ministers on August 13th, 2018. The meeting discussed largely on the strategies of mission based on models revealed in the Book of Acts. The church in Antioch where Barnabas and Paul the apostle ministered laid out core elements of church planting and grounds for expansion. The direction and methodology of church growth were revisited by diverse discussions and examples to help pastors and ministers enlarge their perspective and creatively launch their programs in the respective fields.
The decisive turning point of the Early Church is recorded in Acts 13. The church was finally shaped to grow as a global body at that point. The church in Antioch revealed the image of the church that sparks revival. It was exemplary in regards to its unity in Christ beyond ethnicity and social rank. Therefore, churches today should study the model of Antioch church in order to follow its strategy and structure.
All attendees were reminded of the core message of Soteriology that should be addressed profoundly in every message that churches proclaim. “No other name” but Jesus in man’s salvation is the central key point of Christian proclamation. Everyone was encouraged to formulate their church and ministry programs centered on a clear and explicit soteriological message that human souls most thirst to hear.
Pastors and missionaries from the regions of Northeast, Southeast, Mid-Atlantic, Midwest and several from Canada joined the meeting and shared Mission reports and presentations. Para-Church Organization leaders also joined as speakers to introduce fellowship vision and plans to seek wider collaboration with local churches.