Olivet Academy, whose representatives aim to start school initially on a part time basis, will be using the ground floor of the space. The third floor will be used as a shared space and for other meetings. The five-year lease provides about 2,800 square feet, with each floor using about 800 to 900 square feet. The first and second floors will be for London Emmanuel church use, morning services and other similar events.
The new place was being used previously by another church and by God’s grace, a great amount of good quality furniture and one-century old porcelain dishes and cups has been received as a donation.
During the dedication service, P. João delivered a message taken from Isaiah 60:1-12. For UK and Europe, we are entering a new time. Today we have entered to this new Olivet Centre and soon at the beginning of June, we will be entering Pilgrim Hall. In all this, we can see God’s providence, love, and trust towards us. God is allowing us to enlarge our tents. We are now entering a time where we need to become bigger leaders, bigger trees and prepare to receive many people and do bigger works.
In order to have a healthy church and ministries, we need to have more people that can live with the heart of a father. We should become leaders model ourselves according to Judah, Nehemiah, and Jesus, that lived with a public heart, that was strong and courageous, that saw the needs around them and took action, and that were responsible and willing to pay the cost.
After service, members enjoyed fellowship together and the new place. Please pray that God’s glory may be revealed through the Olivet Centre in London.