Kyiv Immanuel Looks at Miracle of Peter at Sunday Service

On April 19th, 2020, Kyiv Immanuel Church held an online Sunday Service. This time was delivered a message from Acts 3:1-10 about the first miracle made by the apostle Peter.

The miracle could be performed when apostles Peter and John went to the temple to pray. It shows how disciples kept the law. So even they were disciples of Jesus Christ but still kept the law. Surely, as Jesus said He came not to abolish the Law but to fulfill the Law (Matthew 5:17), disciples of Jesus, in the same way, fulfilled the Law when they prayed in the temple as Jewish did.

However, they might be even better than Jewish because they went to the temple in order to keep the last prayer time of the day. When disciples did so they could have occurred the miracle by the power to heal people as Jesus has. Through this, we can know how important is to have the habit to pray in a fixed time.

Let’s look at Jesus who has the power to heal us.

Kyiv Immanuel Church uploaded this message to the church Youtube and Facebook channel for evangelism purposes.