On November 18th Elim Europe representative P. Susan delivered the message and had a prayer time with members of Berlin church after Sunday service.
One member shared afterwards that most of issues we have when we walk the path of faith are about misunderstanding the love of God and even judging Him through our pain and experience from the past.
“When I heard the message, I realized the importance of lowering down all of my pain that makes me not to move toward the promise of God. Her testimony let me think about what it truly means to know the word of God deeply. I repented my sins that I taught the gospel but didn’t live a life of redemption nor carry the burdens from others. I hope that my life can be a love song that can reveal the love of God that has shown fully through Jesus Christ.” she shared.
Let us continue to prayer for Elim prayer tour, may members receive a lot of strength through prayer and sharing.