Berlin Sunday Service: Be Perfect as Your Heavenly Father Is Perfect

The Sunday’s sermon continued in Matthew 5:43-48 from last week, looking at the practical aspect of loving our enemies. The way how God expresses his love to the evil and unrighteous (vs 47) is very practical – he is not withholding the basic things from his enemies, but he sends the rain and sun unconditionally.

Being the children of our Father in heaven then, we must resemble him both in heart and the expression of love. Romans 12:14-21 describes love for our enemies expressing itself in ordinary situations in practical ways. We must not become confined in our feelings and desire for revenge, and be overcome by evil, but commit all to God and instead serve our enemy. We can’t control what others feel and we can’t control how they respond, but we can control our hearts and find peace when we are near God, overcoming evil with good. Christ is outside the city, praying for those who hanged him on the cross (Luke 23:34), and if we follow him and unite with him on the cross, we will find the peace and joy of resurrection. The more we try to obey the commandment, the more deeply we will experience the love of Christ who sacrificed himself for us while we were sinners and enemies of God, and his love will give us the ability to love our enemy. So let us be more like Christ both in our heart and our actions. Let us be loving because he is loving, let us be generous to all as he is generous to us. And doing that, we will come closer to him, and the peace and joy his presence brings will overflow in our life.